What to expect during your menopausal stage

Alexandra Leon

The perimenopause stage can begin an earlier at the mid to late 40s. During this period, the ovaries start to gradually produce less estrogen. During this transition, women can still be on a regular menstrual cycle and can become pregnant but they may start experiencing menopausal symptoms. Perimenopause stage will stop when the ovaries completely cease to release eggs and the menopause begins. There are symptoms associated with menopause that can be experienced during perimenopause. Although women may experience different symptoms, the common cause is usually decreasing estrogen levels. Since estrogen is used by most body parts for various functions, as the levels fluctuate, different systems will be affected.Ā 

Dealing with stress

Alexandra Leon

Not all individuals stress threshold is the same. Everyoneā€™s ā€œtoo muchā€ differs from one person to the next.Ā So why do some people react better to stressors than others? Apart from genetics, your ability to deal with stress is affected by your daily behaviors. For example, magnesium levels closely correlate with a personā€™s stress levels. Stress depletes the bodyā€™s magnesium stores and, on the flip side, a magnesium deficiency reduces a personā€™s tolerance to stress. Interestingly enough, 70% of the western world are consuming less than the recommended dose of around 360 mg/day. Inadequate nutrition often accompanies chronically stressful lifestyle. Most stressed individuals engage in a nutrient empty diet consisting of high consumption of carbohydrates, saturated fats, caffeine (coffee or sodas) and alcohol which reduces the bodyā€™s Magnesium levels and furthers the Magnesium-stress cycle.

The consequence of time: aging

Maggie Reyes

Aging is part ofĀ every living organism; it is a consequence of time. Despite messages in mainstream media, aging is not a disease but a life process that starts at birth. Everyone ages differently and how you age depends on genetics and lifestyle. Ā  Human aging AsĀ we grow older, our body...

Common childhood diseases

Maggie Reyes